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Kisma Orbovich is a spiritual compass and peak performance coach. She helps her clients bring in the metaphysical to meet the physical to get into their divine success track.

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  • First, we discuss her brand and what she offers to the world. She mentions that she helps people reverse engineer what isn’t working to their control point.

“There is not a lot of people who understand how energy works in their life. Energy is in a thought. Energy is in a word. Energy is in an action. We are the architects of our life.” -Kisma Orbovich

  • She discusses how the world often sees things in black and white, good and bad, right and wrong, but kids don’t operate that way and it’s the kids who are here to wake us up.
    • In regard to the universe and the messages it sends us, she says this…

“If it’s supposed to happen, we will hear it, and if we ignore it, it will get painful.” -Kisma Orbovich

  • She then talks about how everyone was born with intuition. She says, that the question is, are we intuiting intelligence, or are we intuiting ignorance?

“Are we bringing in something that is not in our alignment?” -Kisma Orbovich

“The purpose of spirituality is to be in the world in calm.” -Kisma Orbovich

  • She talks about what happens when we are thinking something negative and she talks about how much space it takes up in our mind.

“We have to change the thought process and marry it with action” -Kisma Orbovich

  • I then asked her about spirituality and how she is able to cut through the noise. She mentions that most of the noise comes in through low frequency, especially on social media, so if she sees something that doesn’t resonate with her ability to be the best version of herself, she is ruthless about cutting it out.
  • She then talked about someone’s ability to become more spiritual if they are new to the journey and she mentions that the best way to do that is by inquiring and taking responsibility in a way the excites you. You don’t feel bad about how you got to where you are in this moment, but inquisitive so that you can move forward with that information in the best way possible.
  • We discuss vision boards and affirmations. She thinks they are “cute”, but they can confuse the brain. Affirmations have the opportunity to become a lie if they don’t come to fruition, which then leads a human to experience doubt and doubt lowers prosperity.
  • Catherine Ponder: The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity


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