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What does it look like for you to be fit in your life right now? What does your body need today? And how can a working woman keep up with her health while she travels?

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Personal trainer and podcaster Jen Whitmore and I talk about practical ways to stay fit in your real life, why it’s important, and what you can do to take care of yourself while you’re on the road. If you’ve ever wondered how to protect your health as you travel and what being fit is all about, listen in.

Fit Bodies Come in All Shapes + Sizes

“As you continue to age, staying healthy and keeping your weight under control are all important things.” – Jen Whitmore

If you want to stay motivated and inspired when you’re online, follow someone on social media who looks like you, e.g. she is the same height and body type as you are. It’s important to identify with someone who is the same size and shape as you.

Your body changes as you age so it’s important to ask, “What’s good for my body? What does being healthy in my body look like?”

There’s always outside input wherever you go, but remember that health is crucial to living life.

“I have to take care of my body to the best of my ability so I can live longer.” – Jen Whitmore

Listen to What Your Body Needs

It’s important to know what your body can physically handle. Losing weight takes time. You need to build up to things. You can’t go from zero minutes of working out to 60 minutes of working out, especially when considering the added demands of protein intake for muscle recovery and growth.

Remember that the female body goes through so much: childbirth, miscarriage, menopause, monthly periods. Women tend to keep their emotions in their bodies.

How to Be Healthy When You Travel

Jen’s “Road Warriors Wellness Concierge” service helps busy business travelers.

For many business travelers, they have a vacation mindset even when they’re not on vacation. We eat bad things because we want to experience new things. However, we can’t afford a vacation mindset when consistently traveling. To get you more excited for your next vacation, you may charter a private plane through Jettly.

Traveling also means that you’re busy, you don’t know where to go for healthy options, and you’re entertaining clients. These factors make it easy to throw in the towel on health when you travel.

Not only do you need to eat well, but you need to exercise. Jen’s program helps give control back to travelers.

“You have to know yourself.” – Jen Whitmore

Practical Advice to Stay Healthy

  • Make sure you don’t have a vacation mindset when you’re traveling for business.
  • Be mindful.
  • Exercise when you travel. (Jen’s program helps provide accountability for this!)


Connect with Jen Whitmore:


Jen Whitmore is an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer and has been in the health and fitness arena for 12 years. Jen is the creator of “Adventuring The Girl Life” Podcast and “Road Warrior Wellness Concierge”. Jen Helps busy business travelers obtain control over their health by building nutrition and training itineraries for them. Jen helps you take your health with you wherever you go.

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