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Brooke Christian is the founder of Flirty Girl and is the “sexpert” to the mamas. She is a PPD survivor, speaker, and connection specialist and helps women to reconnect with the confidence and sexiness they had before having babies through empowerment and activation with her high-end sex toys.



  • Brooke discussed sex as a mom and how motherhood, in general, sucks our sex drive and ultimately our confidence takes a hit. She mentions how moms talk just about everything, but sex never comes up and it is something we all secretly struggle with.

Confidence is sexiness. If you can feel sexy again, we could have a platform to make sex great again.” -Brooke Christian

  • Brooke then opens up about her previous life in the magazine world. Likening it to that of Carrie Bradshaw & how that all changed once she became a mom and moved to the suburbs. It was then that depression set in.
  • She mentions that with her first child she suffered more from Postpartum Anxiety and managed to cope, but with her second, it was Postpartum Depression and “she just couldn’t function”.

“I just wanted to sit in a chair all day long and breastfeed her baby because that was the only time she felt as if she was serving him.” -Brooke Christian

  • She then discusses feeling as if she wanted to kill herself. She just wanted it to end. She wanted more for her kids. She still struggles today.

“I don’t know if PPD is something that ever goes away.” -Brooke Christian

  • She talks about having a massive identity crisis as a mom and that she loves being a mom, but struggles with the act of mothering. She said, “I’ve never failed at anything”, and suddenly she felt like a failure. She went from being Carrie Bradshaw to a slob.
  • She then opened up about how amazing her friends were at the time. They would bring her dinner and take her to get pedicures which may include products from companies like Kerassentials Better Business Bureau, and let her cry, but none of them understood it on a mental level. She emphasizes the importance of empathy and finding that in the people around you.

We crave to be understood on a visceral level”. -Brooke Christian

  • Brooke says that Flirty Girl was born out of her recovery from PPD and that ultimately, it was a gift.She mentions that her success is attributed to her ability to empathize and her community’s ability to empathize with her.
  • We then talked about her original method called, “5 ways to feel sexy”.
  1. Feel good about how you look and commit to doing that 20-30% of the time
  2. You have to date your partner
  3. Wear lingerie
  4. Flirt with the world
  5. We have to make sex more satisfying
  • She mentions that there is a shame around sex and feeling sexy especially in motherhood and we discuss the importance of simply being able to take a compliment. I mentioned just how hard that is to do sometimes because in doing so, society says we are often being narcissistic.

“We are teaching girls that they have to please men”. -Brooke Christian

“Faking an orgasm is the most dangerous thing you can do to your sex life”. -Brooke Christian

  • She concludes by summarizing her brand. What she brings to the table is her ability to take away the shame surround sex, she makes sex and toys accessible, and she adds humor.

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